Tuesday, December 2, 2008


A quick Post while it is fresh in my mind.
I phoned Paul this afternoon, desperate to control the pain in my arm, shoulder and back.
The discussion led to how long I had been in pain and what I was taking to control it.
When I told him I was taking Nurofen Plus I was told to stop immediately.
It contains 200mg of ibuprofen per tablet and comes with an increased risk of bowel cancer.
He was insistent that we did not want that!
I was told of a patient that had surgery after taking the medication for a period of time and the doctors were unable to close her up due to the increased levels of bacteria.
I found the information on the web interesting when I decided to Google!
Buyer Beware......


diane b said...

Welcome to Blogger. Sorry to hear you are in pain and the tablets are dodgy. Thank you for visiting my blog. Blogger does take a bit of getting used to but in the end it is much faster than bb.
I will follow this blog and try to call into your BB too.

Cheryl said...

Diane I have just done a Post on BigBlog telling Carla's story if you are interested.

I do think on my Blogger I will have to go back to that time....

I am looking to keep this as a record for my children.

Thanks for sharing the journey..

mandy said...

Welcome to Blogger, glad you`re here....

A lot less stress over here and you can do your blog at your own leisure...No timing out on you here...lol

Cheryl said...

Morning Mandy..

I am finding it a little different and feel that I will almost have to go back to get started.
Working out how to go about it and December is a busy month anyway.
Good to see some familiar faces and to feel the welcome..