Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Tree Story...

I made contact with one of Jeremy's friends during the week, explaining that I wanted to be the one to tell her that the tree is to come down this week.
My heart went out to her; seems I could feel her pain as I read her reply;
'Hi Cheryl. Thanks for letting me know about the tree... spewin! But u gotta do what u gotta do I spose! Can u tell me what day it will be down? I wanna go there before it's gone.'
I then began thinking of a recent phone call from one of Jeremy's mates. He shared with me this story. Each time he drove by the tree, he and his daughter would wind the windows of the vehicle down and punch the air calling 'JEZZA' as they drove past. They had been doing that since the night of the accident. On this occasion he said that he heard Jeremy's voice in his head saying 'Don't do that!' 'I made the biggest mistake in my life and I don't want to be reminded of it!' I was not surprised!
Easter was a great excuse to party at Dargo! Easter 2008 saw the party go on without Jezz, although there were many stories shared and raised hands (with glasses) in his memory. Megan was present also. Driving home the next day Jeremy's friend took his eyes off the road; he was sending a text message. Amazingly he heard 'R O D!' He knew that it was Jeremy! He looked up to find that they had veered to the wrong side of the road and were heading towards an approaching vehicle. He was saved from a potentially serious situation! He said he had never experienced anything like this before.I am so grateful that Jezz is still weaving his magic.
Dr Wayne Dyer was right when you wrote 'You'll see it when you believe it!'
I am a believer....


Starry said...

Hi Chez, I totally believe in these things happening as they happen in mine often. I listen to the big messages, but am guilty of neglecting the little ones. I was on a bus to go to the shopping centre and I kept being told to get off this bus and get on the one in front. That's silly, I said, they are scheduled to leave at the same time, and they always pull up at the shop stop bumper to tailpipe. Well it kept on harping at me and I said no, I'll look silly hopping off this bus and getting onto the one in front. The bus in front started to leave, and our bus driver got a message on the radio to wait for an overdue bus that had a passneger for our bus. We sat and twiddled our thumbs for ten minutes waiting for the passenger. Not very important, but the message was quite insistent beforehand, I tell myself now to listen to all my messages, what if my bus had gotten in an accident, or someone violent got on board? I obey my messages more faithfully with each passing year as I get happier and more accepting of the experiences i have in my life with my visiting spirits etc. I am glad you are encouraging people to not dismiss these things, no angel wastes their time, they talk to us for a reason, and sometimes the little acts of obedience are training for the big ones.
xxx Starry

Cheryl said...

Hey There Starry
Seems we are both on here about the same time. I had a busy day with lots of emotion which I will share with you in e-mail.
This is all so true and I guess we have never been encouraged to go with our instincts. Thankfully, I now do and I believe that is the reason I am here.
I have had such a busy couple of days and came home tonight absolutely exhausted. Will sleep well tonight.
How are you managing with your different sites? I have not really managed to get around to you all the past couple of days.
Do tend to go on Facebook because it is simple and I can say only a few words when I am in a bit of a hurry.
In my thoughts always Chez

diane b said...

Very interesting stories. I used to have similar experienes when i was young but now i don't want to listen to messages in my head because sometimes they are bad ones about my husband or children getting hurt or sick. I would often ring them to check they were OK and they always were , thank goodness.
Hope you have a good sleep tonight.

Cheryl said...

Morning Diane

Interesting that your thoughts/dreams appeared to be of things that you would not like to see happen. I think I am beginning to understand that we can go back and change that dream.
Had I know that when Jezz told me he had a dream in which he was killed in an accident, we may have had a different outcome.
I had a dream recently in which I saw Haydn 'roll-over' the tractor. I have just learned that I can go in and change that dream although I have not yet done it....
Funny how there are some things that we just 'know'
Live live, love and laugh always

mandy said...

Morning Chez...

Just a quick pitt stop before I tackle the day..

I`m afraid I don`t get too many messages in this head of mine, probably something to do with how busy I

Your boy is definitely watching out for his friends and family and I think it`s just wonderful , him doing that...Shows how much he thinks of you all....

Have a great week Chez and I will be back before you know it with hopefully stories to tell and pictures to show....

Love to you from

Cheryl said...

Mandy I know you are on holidays now so I will not respond except to say have a fabulous time and try not to think about any problems at home...