Thursday, December 11, 2008

Expressing Love

Love is always bestowed as a gift -- freely, willingly, and without expectation.... We don't love to be loved; we love to love. ~ Leo Buscaglia

During 2006, 'The King' and I spent a great deal of time travelling to and from Dubbo to be with Mum, who began to experience serious health problems for the first time in her 82 years. She was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I remember my phone call to Jeremy telling him that Nana was really sick; it did not look good. He simply said 'Tell Nana, I love her.'

I passed the message on. I felt my heart miss a beat when Mum barely acknowledged Jeremy's love. How could it not be possible to tell your grandson that you love him?

Mum lost her battle in October 2006; Jeremy's accident less than one month later. Although Mum had every opportunity to tell each of her 5 children that she loved us she never did. We are still waiting...

On the other hand, I was blessed to have a joyful conversation with Jezz on the morning of his accident. My last words to him were 'Love you Sunshine!'
Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low. ~ Henry Ward Beecher


Anonymous said...

Hi Chery, I just read your entry today. My heart aches for you now knowing how your Mum never said she loved you and your siblings. I can't even begin to imagine that- as a parent or as a child.
I believe this made you be the person, the wonderful loving caring person you are today- to so many! You were to make sure you lived your life differently, and you certainly did and still are! Jezz and you shared a beautiful friendship, different- but accepting of one another which I find fantastic!
The Indigo child, I never heard of until I read on Jezz's pages. My son Matt, was born in 1982, so I need to think on that a bit!
All that really matters in the end is to know we both freely showed our love to our sons each day they lived, they knew without a doubt they were so just did!...
Have a good weekend, a pain free one- please God!
Love to you,
p.s. May I suggest something? A darker color when you are writing would be so much easier to see! Maybe it is my old eyes! lol

Starry said...

Hi Chez, what a terrible waste for your mum to rob herself of beauty and love, there must have been something fractured in her soul. Maybe now she is in a place to learn and heal. What a wondeful relationship you were able to create with Chez, when you didn't have the example of mum to follow, you became your own person with a beautiful heart.
I think I know what is wrong with my attempt to register as a follower of your blog, if you send me the actual URL I can get to a page that says become a follower of this blog, and get it right the way I just did with Mandy's blog.
Have a great day, thankyou for all that you share with us, you help us to live as fully and lovingly, positively as we can.
xxx Starry

Starry said...

whoops I said 'with Chez', but meant 'with Jezz'!